Scribd turns page from document sharing to selling

(AP) -- Hoping to do for the written word what iTunes did for music, the online document-sharing service Scribd is opening an Internet store that will offer new sales opportunities for authors and publishers, and possibly ...

Homework copying can turn As into Cs, Bs into Ds

Copying a few answers from another student’s math or science homework assignment occurs much more frequently than copying during examinations or plagiarism on term papers. It is rarely prosecuted by discipline committees ...

Amazon sends Orwell to 'memory hole'

Amazon fended off Saturday accusations of Big Brother-like behavior after it quietly erased two George Orwell books from customers' electronic book readers this week.

DNA duplications may be responsible for genomic-based diseases

An important part of saving a species is often understanding its DNA. Through a collaborative effort including 14 scientists representing organizations across Europe and the United States, researchers have been able to analyze ...

Centuries-old naval warfare capture documents now online

Centuries-old documents related to the capture of ships by the British are accessible online from today, for the use of international researchers. The "Prize Papers"  Project of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities Göttingen ...

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