How proteins are assigned to specific transporters

A fundamental cellular mechanism ensures that proteins are transported to the places they are needed in the cells. So-called vesicles are responsible for that transport. Determining their composition has been difficult up ...

Bringing medieval literature into the digital age

William Langland likely wouldn't know what to make of the latest way people are reading his poetry. In part, that's because Langland died in 1386. But it's also because his most famous work, Piers Plowman, is the subject ...

New function in gene-regulatory protein discovered

Researchers at Umeå and Stockholm universities in Sweden and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the U.S. have published a new study in the journal Molecular Cell. They show how the protein CBP affects the expression ...

Unlocking crop diversity by manipulating plant sex

Researchers have discovered a key gene that influences genetic recombination during sexual reproduction in wild plant populations. Adding extra copies of this gene resulted in a massive boost to recombination and diversity ...

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