Scientists Discover Pentagonal Ice

( -- Scientists at the University of Liverpool have discovered a five-sided ice chain structure that could be used to modify future weather patterns.

Huge grains of copper promote better graphene growth

To technology insiders, graphene is a certified big deal. The one-atom thick carbon-based material elicits rhapsodic descriptions as the strongest, thinnest material known. It also is light, flexible, and able to conduct ...

Routes towards defect-free graphene

A new way of growing graphene without the defects that weaken it and prevent electrons from flowing freely within it could open the way to large-scale manufacturing of graphene-based devices with applications in fields such ...

Scientists use copper nanowires to combat the spread of diseases

An ancient metal used for its microbial properties is the basis for a materials-based solution to disinfection. A team of scientists from Ames National Laboratory, Iowa State University, and University at Buffalo developed ...

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