Oil spill causes massive harm to microscopic creatures

(Phys.org) -- Oiled seabirds and turtles may have been the dominant images of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, but new research indicates there was also massive harm to microscopic creatures in coastal sands, lasting months ...

Bering Sea chill yields fatter plankton, pollock diet changes

Despite a 30-year warming trend, the last three years in the Bering Sea have been the coldest on record. A University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist says that the cold temperatures have helped produce larger zooplankton in ...

Voracious comb jellyfish 'invisible' to prey

Despite its primitive structure, the North American comb jellyfish can sneak up on its prey like a high-tech stealth submarine, making it a successful predator. Researchers, including one from the University of Gothenburg, ...

The strongest animal in the world

The world's strongest animal, the copepod, is barely 1 mm long. It shows that copepods - in relation to their size - are more than 10 times as strong as has been previously documented for any other animal.

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