Related topics: patients · brain

Why moving from astronomic to atomic time is a tricky business

Most people would feel they can count on one day comprising the same number of hours, minutes and seconds as the next. But this isn't always the case – June 30 will be a second longer in 2015 with the addition of a leap ...

Fullerene chemistry with silicon

Goethe University chemists have managed to synthesise a compound featuring an Si20 dodecahedron. The Platonic solid, which was published in the Angewandte Chemie journal, is not just aesthetically pleasing, it also opens ...

Neandertals sophisticated and fearless hunters

Neandertals, the 'stupid' cousins of modern humans were capable of capturing the most impressive animals. This indicates that Neandertals were anything but dim. Dutch researcher Gerrit Dusseldorp analysed their daily forays ...

Wolves are able to follow a human's gaze

Following others' gaze direction is an important source of information that helps to detect prey or predators, to notice important social events within one's social group and to predict the next actions of others. As such, ...

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