Related topics: patients ยท brain

Digital avalanche rescue dog

( -- A novel geolocation system makes use of signals from Galileo, the future European satellite navigation system, to locate avalanche victims carrying an avalanche transceiver or a cellphone, to the precision ...

Tying up loose ends for a quantum leap

Quantum technologies have become the Holy Grail of the IT industry with research projects springing up all over Europe. Now a major effort is being made to spur development by adopting a coordinated, structured approach.

Planning factories the right way

The new factory hall has just been completed when the owner realizes that several things have gone wrong. The doors should be on the other side and production will need more space. A new planning guideline will prevent such ...

Neandertals sophisticated and fearless hunters

Neandertals, the 'stupid' cousins of modern humans were capable of capturing the most impressive animals. This indicates that Neandertals were anything but dim. Dutch researcher Gerrit Dusseldorp analysed their daily forays ...

Female birds 'jam' their mates' flirtatious songs

When a single female is nearby, female antbirds will sing over the songs of their male partners in an apparent attempt to keep their messages from getting through, according to a new report published online on March 12th ...

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