Related topics: patients · brain

Fullerene chemistry with silicon

Goethe University chemists have managed to synthesise a compound featuring an Si20 dodecahedron. The Platonic solid, which was published in the Angewandte Chemie journal, is not just aesthetically pleasing, it also opens ...

Time for the world's largest radio telescope

On a recent trip to Australia, the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) visited one of the two sites of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) - a global science and engineering project to build the worlds largest radio telescope.

Why moving from astronomic to atomic time is a tricky business

Most people would feel they can count on one day comprising the same number of hours, minutes and seconds as the next. But this isn't always the case – June 30 will be a second longer in 2015 with the addition of a leap ...

Opening a wide window on the nano-world of surface catalysis

( —Surface catalysts are notoriously difficult to study mechanistically, but scientists at the University of South Carolina and Rice University have shown how to get real-time reaction information from Ag nanocatalysts ...

Carbon dioxide study adds to picture of global carbon cycle

( —One of the most widely known compounds on Earth is carbon dioxide, or CO2. We learn as children that CO2 is a key component of photosynthesis, the process by which plants, algae, and bacteria convert light into ...

World timekeepers wrangle over scrapping leap second

Timekeeping experts failed Friday to reach a decision on scrapping the four-decade-old practice of adding extra seconds to clocks, a system opponents say causes headaches in a hi-tech, interconnected world.

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