Related topics: patients ยท brain

Innovative method enables new view into Earth's interior

An innovative X-ray method enables new high-pressure investigations of samples under deep mantle conditions. The technique, which was developed by a team led by Georg Spiekermann from DESY, the German Research Centre for ...

Capturing the surprising flexibility of crystal surfaces

Images taken using an atomic force microscope have allowed researchers to observe, for the first time, the flexible and dynamic changes that occur on the surfaces of 'porous coordination polymer' crystals when guest molecules ...

Coordinating Wi-Fi traffic

The surge in demand for Wi-Fi networks has created a need to better coordinate the immense traffic. An EU initiative introduced an architecture to reduce interference and boost performance in very congested environments.

2016 will be one second longer

On December 31, 2016, a "leap second" will be added to the world's clocks at 23 hours, 59 minutes 59 seconds Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This corresponds to 6:59:59 pm Eastern Standard Time, when the extra second will ...

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