Related topics: evolution

Swiss get behind net-zero climate law

The Swiss on Sunday backed a new climate bill aimed at steering their country of melting glaciers towards carbon neutrality by 2050.

Exploring how community-based social norms evolve

Cooperation is a guiding principle of everyday life. It's as simple as following the rules of the road when driving or holding a door for a stranger; cooperation is a fundamental aspect of human societies and has long intrigued ...

Examining how cooperation benefits from peer-punishment

A multi-lab replication of a 2006 study supports the role of peer sanction in promoting human cooperation. Cooperation is imperative for society to successfully solve complex problems, including climate change. One approach ...

Sharing best practice of gender-transformative tourism policies

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) recently released a report titled Snapshot of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in National Tourism Strategies which provides a synthesis of publicly-available strategies ...

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