Scientists using lasers to cool and control molecules

( -- Ever since audiences heard Goldfinger utter the famous line, “No, Mr. Bond; I expect you to die,” as a laser beam inched its way toward James Bond and threatened to cut him in half, lasers have been thought ...

Ice sheet melt identified as trigger of Big Freeze

The main cause of a rapid global cooling period, known as the Big Freeze or Younger Dryas - which occurred nearly 13,000 years ago - has been identified thanks to the help of an academic at the University of Sheffield.

Tailoring the optical dipole force for use on molecules

( -- "Scientists have been working with dipole fields for quite some time," Peter Barker tells "However, most of the work is focused on very small particles, like atoms, or on larger particles, such ...

Largest Ring Around Saturn Discovered

( -- NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered an enormous ring around Saturn -- by far the largest of the giant planet's many rings.

New findings could help hybrid, electric cars keep their cool

Understanding precisely how fluid boils in tiny "microchannels" has led to formulas and models that will help engineers design systems to cool high-power electronics in electric and hybrid cars, aircraft, computers and other ...

'Rosetta Stone' of supervolcanoes discovered in Italian Alps

Scientists have found the "Rosetta Stone" of supervolcanoes, those giant pockmarks in the Earth's surface produced by rare and massive explosive eruptions that rank among nature's most violent events. The eruptions produce ...

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