CaloriSMART test system succeeds in magnetocaloric cooling

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have designed and built an advanced model system that successfully uses very small quantities of magnetocaloric materials to achieve refrigeration level cooling. ...

Fusion experts tackle cooling strategies for fusion fuel cycle

To achieve practical energy from fusion, extreme heat from the fusion system "blanket" component must be extracted safely and efficiently. Oak Ridge National Laboratory fusion experts are exploring how tiny 3D-printed obstacles ...

NASA: Cooling pump on space station shuts down

NASA said Wednesday it was looking into a problem with a malfunctioning cooling pump on the International Space Station, but there was no immediate danger to the two American astronauts, three Russian cosmonauts, and Japanese ...

Satellites reveal how forests increase cloud and cool climate

Forests are not only key to moderating our climate by sequestering atmospheric carbon, but they also create a cooling effect by increasing low-level cloud. A first global assessment using satellite observations has shown ...

Beating the backup blues

Thomas Brunschwiler, Urs Kloter, Ryan Linderman, Bruno Michel from the IBM's Zurich Research Lab in Switzerland and Hilton Toy from the IBM Server & Technology Group in Fishkill, New York, have been honored with the 2008 ...

Space station cooling system suddenly shuts down

(AP) -- Half of the International Space Station's cooling system suddenly shut down during the weekend, forcing the astronauts to power down equipment and face the likelihood of urgent spacewalking repairs.

Coating helps electronics stay cool by sweating

Mammals sweat to regulate body temperature, and researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China are exploring whether our phones could do the same. In a study published January 22 in the journal Joule, the authors ...

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