La Nina climate cycle may reemerge in 2021: UN

The weather phenomenon La Nina could resurface before the end of 2021, after petering out four months ago, the UN said Thursday, predicting above-average temperatures despite its generally cooling influence.

'Cool' stars may not be so unique

Stars scattered throughout the cosmos look different, but they may be more alike than once thought, according to Rice University researchers.

Satellites reveal how forests increase cloud and cool climate

Forests are not only key to moderating our climate by sequestering atmospheric carbon, but they also create a cooling effect by increasing low-level cloud. A first global assessment using satellite observations has shown ...

Visibly transparent radiative cooler under direct sunlight

Since the Paris Climate Agreement took effect in 2016, 121 countries have pledged to become carbon neutral by 2050 as the world tries to reduce its fuel consumption. The Korean government unveiled its 2050 Carbon Neutral ...

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