Chinese fusion tool pushes past 100 million degrees

The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), nicknamed the "Chinese artificial sun," achieved an electron temperature of over 100 million degrees in its core plasma during a four-month experiment this year. That's ...

Trees with grassy areas soften summer heat

Trees cool their environment, and so-called "heat islands" like Munich benefit from it. However, the degree of cooling depends greatly on the tree species and the local conditions. In a recent study, scientists at the Technical ...

New material makes cooling devices more energy-efficient

Waste heat from industry can often not be utilised because of its low temperature. With this material, it can be used in environmentally friendly cooling systems for example in the field of building technology. The research ...

Plastic pad clogs Fukushima water cleaning system

A piece of plastic padding which clogged up a drain is thought to have caused the breakdown of a decontamination system at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, the operator said Sunday.

Japan upgrades Fukushima leak to highest level in two years

Japan declared a radioactive water leak at the crippled Fukushima plant a level-three "serious incident" Wednesday, its highest warning in two years, as operators scrambled to seal a tank that has seeped 300 tonnes of toxic ...

Japan formally OKs new nuclear safety requirements (Update 2)

Japan's nuclear watchdog formally approved a set of new safety requirements for atomic power plants on Wednesday, paving the way for the reopening of facilities shut down since the Fukushima disaster in a move critics charged ...

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