The ages of sun-like stars

The mass of a star is perhaps its most significant feature. It determines how brightly it shines (a star ten times more massive than the Sun will, during its normal lifetime, shine about forty million times brighter than ...

'Cool' stars may not be so unique

Stars scattered throughout the cosmos look different, but they may be more alike than once thought, according to Rice University researchers.

Cool Stars Have Different Mix of Life-Forming Chemicals

( -- Life on Earth is thought to have arisen from a hot soup of chemicals. Does this same soup exist on planets around other stars? A new study from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope hints that planets around stars ...

Astronomers pinpoint rare binary brown dwarf

Astronomers working on 'first light' results from a newly commissioned telescope in Chile made a chance discovery that led to the identification of a rare eclipsing binary brown dwarf system.

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