Efficacy of cool roofs varies from city to city

(PhysOrg.com) -- While cool roofs and pavements have been found to cool the planet by preventing energy from being radiated back into the atmosphere, previous studies have not accounted for atmospheric feedbacks that may ...

CCNY's solar roof pod showcases innovative technology

A unique structure in the urban landscape has arisen on a plaza of The City College of New York campus over the past few months. Designed and built by CCNY students, faculty and team sponsors, it is meant to be installed ...

New 'cool roof time machine' will accelerate cool roof deployment

Cool roofs can help keep buildings cool, thus lowering the building's energy use, while also mitigating the urban heat island effect by reflecting sunlight away from buildings and cities. But as cool roofs age and get soiled, ...

Cool roofs in China can save energy and reduce emissions

(Phys.org) —Working with Chinese researchers, the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has conducted the first comprehensive study of cool roofs in China and concluded that they would ...

How do you cool a city in a warming world?

Globally, 2016 was the warmest year on record. In Los Angeles, temperature records were shattered last summer during scorching heat waves that saw highs of 100 degrees for five days straight.

Islands in the sun: Heatwave gives cities that sinking feeling

Boffins call it a heat sink—a passive exchanger designed to dissipate heat—but when the sink is an actual city, its concrete and asphalt sweltering in the heat, it feels more like an oven to those who live and work there.

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