Behavior modeling and verification of MA of CTCS-3 using AADL

Successful technologies weave themselves into the fabric of society and essentially slip from our consciousness, as have embedded control systems. Systems with embedded computing units that interact with the physical world, ...

Diagnosing 'sick' buildings to save energy

Are you feeling too cold right now? Too warm? Is your office's air a little stale today? On average, Americans spend 90 percent of the day indoors, in a controlled environment. Controlling that environment, at least in the ...

Terror attacks offer insights for first responders, study finds

When terrorists strike, emergency workers who have the proper training, information access and a positive work environment will make better decisions, according to research from the University at Buffalo School of Management.

Canine remote control

Man's best friend can get a bit tiresome, all that rolling over, shaking paws, long walks and eating every crumb of food off the floor. But, what if there were a way to command your dog with a remote control, or even via ...

Bullying more violent in school with gangs nearby, study finds

( —The presence of gangs in the vicinity of schools creates a pervasive climate of fear and victimization among students, teachers and administrators that escalates the level of aggression in bullying incidents ...

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