Rice U. parlays sun's saving grace into autoclave (w/ video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Rice University senior engineering students are using the sun to power an autoclave that sterilizes medical instruments and help solve a long-standing health issue for developing countries.

Data miners dig for corrosion resistance

(PhysOrg.com) -- A better understanding of corrosion resistance may be possible using a data-mining tool, according to Penn State material scientists. This tool may also aid research in other areas where massive amounts of ...

Engineers study birds, bees to design unmanned vehicles

(PhysOrg.com) -- University of Arizona aerospace and mechanical engineers are studying bird and bee flight to develop unmanned vehicles that stay aloft longer and cope with sudden and severe changes in airflow.

Fish out of water: Gene clue to evolutionary step

Two genes controlling a tissue protein may have played a role in the key period when fish shed their fins and became limbed land-lovers, a study published by Nature on Thursday said.

Rice team talks the walk

Walk this way and a camera-carrying robot will follow. That sounds simple until you get into the details.

The goal of robot hockey: to become better engineers (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- It may be a long time before we see robots shooting pucks and making saves in professional hockey, but second-year mechanical engineering students at the University of Alberta put some pretty impressive players ...

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