COP28: Countries promise action on food and farming

Countries must act swiftly following a landmark declaration on sustainable agriculture and food systems at COP28 to protect farmers and vulnerable groups from the effects of climate change, research leaders urge.

Civic-minded undocumented youth dream big

( -- Seventy-two percent of undocumented youth involved in community organizations strongly believe they can make a difference, compared to 41 percent of youth overall.

Gaming claims don’t add up

The level of charitable and community contributions provided by poker machine operators is ‘miniscule’ in comparison to the amount of money lost by poker machine users within local communities, a new study has shown.

Researchers to study positive genetic contributions of viruses

The positive genetic contributions of viruses to life on Earth will be explored by researchers at the University of Delaware and the Delaware Biotechnology Institute through a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation ...

Who wants to pay more for green electricity?

A research report in the International Journal of Environment and Pollution suggests that individuals prefer to be involved in a collective contribution to green electricity that involve everyone paying more, rather than ...

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