Pulsating dust cloud dynamics modeled

The birth of stars is an event that eludes intuitive understanding. It is the collapse of dense molecular clouds under their own weight that offers the best sites of star formation. Now, Pralay Kumar Karmakar from the Department ...

Coldest brown dwarfs blur lines between stars and planets

(Phys.org) —Astronomers are constantly on the hunt for ever-colder star-like bodies, and two years ago a new class of such objects was discovered by researchers using NASA's WISE space telescope. However, until now no one ...

Brown dwarf companion stars

(Phys.org) —Astronomers trying to understand how the Sun and Earth formed, and why they have their characteristic properties, have made progress on a closely related problem: the nature of the lowest mass stars, so-called ...

Amazon shifted strategy in pursuit of CIA contract

It was a contract that Amazon.com's business-technology group wasn't supposed to get. The CIA, an organization whose data is among the most protected in the world, asked for bids last year on a contract to provide the agency ...

Muscle power: Bats power take-off using recycled energy

Bats are uniquely able to stretch and store energy in their bicep and tricep tendons during take-off and climbing flight, giving them an extra power boost. A new study on fruitbats, to be presented at the meeting of the Society ...

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