Related topics: earth

Supervolcanoes: Not a threat for 2012

The geological record holds clues that throughout Earth's 4.5-billion-year lifetime massive supervolcanoes, far larger than Mount St. Helens or Mount Pinatubo, have erupted. However, despite the claims of those who fear 2012, ...

Geologists explore clues to Earth's formation in diamonds

( -- When jewelers inspect diamonds, they look for cut, clarity, color, and carat. When University of Tennessee, Knoxville, geologists Larry Taylor and Yang Liu inspect diamonds, they look for minerals, inclusions ...

Using photons to manage data

Managing light to carry computer data, such as text, audio and video, is possible today with laser light beams that are guided along a fibre-optic cable. These waves consist of countless billions of photons, which carry information ...

Antarctica rocks!

Geologist John Goodge looks for clues about Antarctica's past in the 2 percent of the continent that is not covered in ice!

Distribution atlas of butterflies in Europe

Scientists present the largest distribution data compilation ever on butterflies of an entire continent. The Germany based Society for the Conservation of Butterflies and Moths GfS ("Gesellschaft für Schmetterlingsschutz"), ...

Life on the wind: Study reveals how microbes travel the Earth

Scientists from the UK and Switzerland have investigated the remarkable distance that microorganisms may be able to blow between continents, raising questions about their potential to colonise new lands and also potentially ...

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