Related topics: earth

New magnetic anomaly map helps unveil Antarctica

The most comprehensive magnetic map of Antarctica ever produced is published this week (15 July 2018). The new map – which includes 3.5 million line-kilometres of magnetic anomaly data collected over the past 50 years – ...

Continental microbes helped seed ancient seas with nitrogen

Like our oceans, today's continents are brimming with life. Yet billions of years ago, before the advent of plants, continents would have appeared barren. These apparently vacant land forms were believed to play no role in ...

Airbnb rentals boom across Africa

Rent-a-room giant Airbnb said Tuesday that it had provided accommodation for 1.2 million visitors to Africa over the last year—double the previous year as tourism expands across the continent.

Changes in Earth's crust caused oxygen to fill the atmosphere

Scientists have long wondered how Earth's atmosphere filled with oxygen. UBC geologist Matthijs Smit and research partner Klaus Mezger may have found the answer in continental rocks that are billions of years old.

How continents were recycled

Plate tectonics shape the Earth's dynamic surface. But when did these dynamics first emerge? And will the present-day continents last forever?

An improved thickness estimate for Earth's continents

(—A trio of researchers with the University of Southampton in the U.K. has used a new technique to gain a better perspective on the thickness of the Earth's continents. In their paper published in the journal Science, ...

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