Related topics: bacteria ยท water

Researchers make a water filter from the sapwood in tree branches

If you've run out of drinking water during a lakeside camping trip, there's a simple solution: Break off a branch from the nearest pine tree, peel away the bark, and slowly pour lake water through the stick. The improvised ...

Study: Range of pharmaceuticals in fish across US

(AP) -- Fish caught near wastewater treatment plants serving five major U.S. cities had residues of pharmaceuticals in them, including medicines used to treat high cholesterol, allergies, high blood pressure, bipolar disorder ...

Two billion people drinking contaminated water: WHO

Dramatic improvements are needed in ensuring access to clean water and sanitation worldwide, the World Health Organization said Thursday, warning that nearly two billion people currently use faecal-contaminated water.

Moss capable of removing arsenic from drinking water discovered

Moss capable of removing arsenic from contaminated water has been discovered by researchers from Stockholm University. Within just one hour, it reduces water arsenic to levels harmless enough for consumption. The study has ...

Engineers purify sea and wastewater in 2.5 minutes

A group of Mexican engineers from the Jhostoblak Corporate created technology to recover and purify seawater or wastewater from households, hotels, hospitals, commercial and industrial facilities, regardless of the content ...

Five edible insects you really should try

Edible insects are great alternatives to conventional sources of meat as they're cheap, plentiful and excellent sources of protein and fat, as well as vitamins and minerals.

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