Related topics: bacteria ยท water

Real-world proof of hand washing's effectiveness

Scientists are reporting dramatic new real-world evidence supporting the idea that hand washing can prevent the spread of water-borne disease. It appears in a new study showing a connection between fecal bacteria contamination ...

Common cactus could be used to clean water

( -- Access to clean drinking water is lacking in many parts of the world but most technologies to clean water to make it fit for drinking are expensive and hard to maintain. Now researchers propose a cactus common ...

Tiny bubbles clean oil from water

Small amounts of oil leave a fluorescent sheen on polluted water. Oil sheen is hard to remove, even when the water is aerated with ozone or filtered through sand. Now, a University of Utah engineer has developed an inexpensive ...

What's in our water?

( -- Although America's supply of drinking water is considered among the world's safest, there is an urgent need to develop more stringent regulations to guide how water is monitored for pollutants, according ...

Sensing disasters from space

One small step for mankind is now a leap for averting natural and man-made disasters on earth.

3 questions: Ben Weiss discusses what a wet moon might mean

Last week, NASA and other agencies announced results from instruments aboard three different spacecraft which all indicate that there is water present in the surface soil, or regolith, of the moon. Although the amount is ...

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