Related topics: bacteria · water

Medical residues purified from wastewater with new techniques

Contaminants such as medical residues and pesticides go through the traditional wastewater purifying process and go back to the environment. Concern over their volyme in waste and drinking water is growing globally. Research ...

Fukushima decommissioning made 'significant progress': IAEA

Japan has made "significant progress" in cleaning up the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, a UN review mission said Tuesday as it again advised the country to consider discharging treated water into the sea.

Toxic algae blooms cause illness, death in dogs

Dogs are known to play, swim and lap up water in lakes and ponds, but these simple joys can lead to illness and even fatal poisoning when harmful algae blooms muck up the water.

Water purification at the molecular level

( —Fracking for oil and gas is a dirty business. The process uses millions of gallons of water laced with chemicals and sand. Most of the contaminated water is trucked to treatment plants to be cleaned, which is ...

Chip packets help make safer water in Papua New Guinea

University of Adelaide mechanical engineering students and staff have designed a low-cost and easily made drinking water treatment system suitable for remote communities in Papua New Guinea (PNG) – using foil chip packets ...

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