Related topics: bacteria · water

Thailand totters towards waste crisis

A blaze at a vast rubbish dump home to six million tonnes of putrefying trash and toxic effluent has kindled fears that poor planning and lax law enforcement are tipping Thailand towards a waste crisis.

400,000 in US city told not to drink tap water

Residents of Toledo, Ohio will learn Sunday when they can drink tap water again after officials warned that the water supply was polluted with toxins likely released by algae blooms.

Researchers simplify process to purify water using seed extracts

Researchers have streamlined and simplified a process that uses extracts from seeds of Moringa oleifa trees to purify water, reducing levels of harmful bacteria by 90% to 99%. The hardy trees that are drought resistant are ...

Fed govt failed to inspect higher risk oil wells

Congressional investigators say the government has failed to inspect thousands of oil and gas wells it considers potentially high risks for water contamination and other environmental damage.

A high-tech solution for detecting bacteria in water

Water quality and safety can never be taken for granted. Every day, millions of tons of inadequately treated sewage, industrial and agricultural wastes are poured into the world's lakes, rivers, and oceans - the equivalent ...

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