As chimpanzees grow, so does yawn contagion

As sanctuary-kept chimpanzees grow from infant to juvenile, they develop increased susceptibility to human yawn contagion, possibility due to their increasing ability to empathize, says a study published October 16, 2013, ...

Modelling the dynamics of avalanche outbreaks

(—The 1918 outbreak of Spanish flu was so unlike other pandemics that it is analogous to a massive natural disaster. The H1N1 virus infected an estimated 500 million people and killed 100 million by some estimates. ...

Extracting useful scientific information from social media

In the second it takes to 'like' this article, 6,000 tweets, 5,000 profile updates, 4,000 photos and 500 blogs will have been posted on multiple social media platforms. As that second extends to a minute, a day and even a ...

Why yawning is contagious in bonobos

Being socially close to another bonobo is more likely to make bonobo apes yawn in response to the other's yawns, according to research published November 14 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Elisabetta Palagi and Elisa ...

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