Is empathy in humans and apes actually different?

Whether or not humans are the only empathic beings is still under debate. In a new study, researchers directly compared the 'yawn contagion' effect between humans and bonobos (our closest evolutionary cousins). By doing so ...

Facebook probed by Britain over mood experiment

Authorities will question Facebook over an experiment in which the social network secretly manipulated the feelings of users to test their mood, officials said Wednesday.

'Emotional contagion' sweeps Facebook

When it hasn't been your day – your week, your month, or even your year – it might be time to turn to Facebook friends for a little positive reinforcement. According to a new study by social scientists at Cornell, the ...

Facebook feelings are contagious, study shows

You can't catch a cold from a friend online. But can you catch a mood? It would seem so, according to new research from the University of California, San Diego.

Asian elephants reassure others in distress

Asian elephants console others who are in distress, using physical touches and vocalizations, finds a study to be published in the open access journal PeerJ. The findings are the first empirical evidence of consolation in ...

As chimpanzees grow, so does yawn contagion

As sanctuary-kept chimpanzees grow from infant to juvenile, they develop increased susceptibility to human yawn contagion, possibility due to their increasing ability to empathize, says a study published October 16, 2013, ...

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