User-led sustainable buildings

Users' perspectives play a key role in low-energy building. Experts agree that the feedback from people living in energy efficient buildings could help to optimise their overall usability.

Revamping existing buildings to make them energy efficient

Tackling energy loss from buildings is one of the key objectives to reach greater sustainability, when it comes to energy consumption. The EU-funded BRICKER project aims to develop ways of reducing energy consumption by 50% ...

Building towards 'nearly zero energy' cities

An ambitious four-year project is to develop and demonstrate replicable strategies for designing, constructing and managing large scale district renovation projects for achieving nearly zero energy cities. The results will ...

Real-time energy audit reduces power consumption

Governments are pressuring industries to reduce energy consumption for both environmental and economic reasons. Optimizing factory processes and improving equipment can lower energy usage but this not only takes time and ...

The PROMISE of greater energy efficiency on Europe's islands

While the EU may be made up of 28 Member States, the number of islands within the union runs into the thousands, dotted around the seas of the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean. While climate and cultures may vary, many ...

Lighting the way to the future

The highly inefficient incandescent light bulb is now a thing of the past, banned from European supermarket shelves in favour of more efficient lighting. The ban is part of the EU's strategy to reduce overall energy consumption ...

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