Russia suspends Monsanto corn imports

Russia has temporarily suspended importing genetically-modified corn made by the US biotech giant Monsanto after a controversial study linked it to cancer in rats.

Tulips free of stem nematodes thanks to hot water treatment

Tulip bulbs are susceptible to stem nematodes. Growers live in fear of the small pathogens as just one affected bulb can be disastrous for an entire batch. Moreover, until, very recently the standard hot water treatment remedy ...

Samsung eyes fix after complaints of 'exploding' washers

Samsung is in discussions about "potential safety issues" concerning some of its washing machines after a class-action lawsuit complained the appliances were exploding, the company said Wednesday.

Driverless car concept gains traction at CES

Automakers and technology firms are jumping on the bandwagon of the driverless car, which remains a concept as well as a platform for new technologies to improve safety on the road.

'Green chemistry' to quantify the components of cosmetics

Right now, there are 10,000 components that can be used to make cosmetics. These components have to be monitored to guarantee consumer safety. The UPV/EHU researcher Josu López has developed three 'green' analytical methods ...

Child-proof ignition safety lock for adult-sized ATVs developed

In 2009, an estimated 32,400 children under the age of 16 were treated at emergency rooms for injuries and 61 were killed in All-Terrain Vehicle accidents, according to statistics from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. ...

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