California children sue US govt over pollution

Children in California are suing the US government over its failure to curb pollution, the latest in a series of legal actions by young people around the world worried about climate change.

Some states push back against stem cell research

(AP) -- A showdown is shaping up in some of the nation's most conservative states over embryonic stem cell research, as opponents draw language and tactics from the battle over abortion to counter President Barack Obama's ...

Rethinking the fall of Rome's republic

When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon -- a river in northern Italy -- in 49 B.C., leading what was effectively his own personal army, he triggered a set of changes that resonated through the ancient world for centuries afterward. ...

Study shows judges' backgrounds matter in high court selection

Some federal judges are tossing out civil cases based on their own opinions, a disturbing trend that makes background checks even more important in the search for a new associate justice for the U.S. Supreme Court, a University ...

The legal implications of digital privacy

A June 2018 decision rendered by the Supreme Court of the United States established an interesting principle on digital privacy in a case related to a criminal proceeding.

The world's next economic hot spot?

( -- A bailout by neighboring emirate Abu Dhabi has apparently stabilized Dubai’s financial crisis. But the longer-term economic impact—on Dubai and other nations—could grow more serious.

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