Making 'the cloud' greener

As the world becomes increasingly digital, demand for data centres is booming - and so too is their energy consumption. Data centres worldwide - many of them providing 'cloud' storage and services - produce around half the ...

3 Questions: Removing barriers to the Web

During the opening ceremonies of this summer's Olympic games in London, a musical performance culminated with a stage-set house rising into the rafters to reveal Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, sitting ...

Saudi-led consortium wins Morocco solar energy bid (Update)

(AP)—Morocco awarded a $1 billion contract to build a solar power plant to a Saudi-led consortium on Monday, as part of this country's ambitious plans to harness the sun's energy and reduce dependence on imported fossil ...

Melon genome sequenced

A consortium of nine research centres has obtained the melon genome, a horticultural specie with high economic value around the world. It is the first time that a Spanish initiative that unites private and state-run centres ...

Research delivers near real-time water quality results

Ongoing research by Mercyhurst University biologists intended to expand and expedite testing for potential pathogens in beach water at Presque Isle State Park has resulted in a new method that delivers near real-time water ...

Regulators, ad companies huddle over 'Do Not Track' features

The momentum of a growing multibillion-dollar industry is colliding with online privacy worries this week, as regulators and privacy advocates face off against the Internet advertising industry to hash out how proposed "Do ...

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