Nepal's Royal Bengal tiger numbers soar

Nepal's number of Royal Bengal tigers in the wild has soared 64 percent to 198 in just four years, according to a government survey released Monday.

Using a scent-detecting dog to find sea turtle eggs

A trio of conservationists from Disney's Animals, Science and Environment, the Canine Academy Inc. and Pepedogs, Inwater Research Group, Inc. has found that a terrier named Dory is better at finding sea turtle eggs in nests ...

Australian wildlife taught to shun cane toads

Australia's native animals are being fed nauseating sausages of cane toad meat in a bid to train them against eating the foul, toxic species as it spreads into new areas, researchers said on Tuesday.

Endangered Asiatic lion cub born at French zoo

A rare Asiatic lion cub, whose species is endangered with only about 350 in the wild, has been born at a zoo in the French city of Besancon, officials said Thursday.

Hong Kong bans trawling to save fish stocks

Hong Kong has banned trawl fishing in its waters, a decision welcomed by conservationists Friday as a crucial move to save fish stocks and revive the city's depleted marine environment.

Project uses mummy DNA to differentiate croc species

The Nile crocodile is a species that was identified by ancient Egyptians. Genetic analysis done by a group of geneticists using samples taken from species throughout the animal's range and including DNA from mummified crocodile ...

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