Ecological research leads to call to control feral pigs

( —University of Auckland research revealing the extent to which feral pigs can disturb forest vegetation and soils has led to a call for the animals to be controlled as a pest in areas of high ecological value.

Britain scrambles to contain deadly ash tree disease

The British government convened its emergency crisis committee on Friday to discuss how to contain a fungal disease threatening ash trees that has already wiped out swathes of woodland in Denmark.

Housing growth near national parks may limit conservation value

The growth of housing near national parks, national forests and wilderness areas within the United States may limit the conservation value that these protected areas were designed to create in the first place, a new study ...

Research recommends compromise when choosing conservation site

A lot of variables come into play when selecting a site for environmental conservation that yields benefits to people nearby such as wildlife needs, species and vegetation uniqueness, and costs to the government or community. ...

Lasting environmental protection through monetary incentives

Many of the world's ecosystems are overloaded and facing tipping points. This also threatens their many services that are essential for our survival and which are usually taken for granted. These include, for example, fresh ...

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