Invasive night geckos outcompete local day geckos

The nocturnal house gecko is an aggressive island invader with a bad reputation when it comes to interaction with the locals. House geckos have already contributed to the demise of many similar species active during the night.

Return of top predators is key to ecological future

Sufficient advances have been made about the importance of top predators in ecosystem function that it's time to move from discussing the issue to acting upon it, a conservation biologist from Oregon State University suggests ...

Tsunami debris floating across Pacific toward US

(AP) -- Refrigerators, TVs and other debris dragged into sea when a massive earthquake hit Japan last March, causing tsunamis as high as 130 feet to crash ashore, could show up in remote atolls north of Hawaii as soon as ...

Chilean biologist saving forests with frogs

(—Chilean biologist Virginia Moreno is besotted with frogs. So much so that she is taking on the might of the forestry industry to study one frog in particular – Chile's critically endangered mountain frog, Telmatobufo ...

Ancestors of whale sharks in Panama may come from distant waters

The world's largest fish, the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), is a plankton-loving giant that can be found alone or in groups in all tropical oceans. However, despite being a highly migratory species, little is known about ...

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