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Apple: Congress, not courts, must decide

Apple Inc. will tell a federal judge this week in legal papers that its fight with the FBI over accessing a locked and encrypted iPhone should be kicked to Congress, rather than decided by courts, The Associated Press has ...

Stadiums ramp up wireless technology to seduce fans

Forget the selfie. Fans cheering on their idols at concerts or sporting events are using their phones for more than just snaps, ordering food and even checking the length of toilet lines as venues use technology to draw in ...

World's lightest OLED binocular see-through smart glasses

Epson has today announced the third generation of its Moverio smart glasses for Augmented Reality. On display at the Mobile World Congress starting today in Barcelona, Spain, and available in selected markets from later ...

EU, Brazil agree to cooperate on ultra-fast 5G

The European Union and Brazil signed an agreement Tuesday to cooperate on developing ultra-fast 5G mobile networks, aimed at massively speeding up Internet connections on either side of the Atlantic.

Some highlights from the Barcelona wireless show

Several smaller phone makers are using this week's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, to unveil new smartphones targeting the lower-end and mid-range markets.

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