The evolutions of religion in the workplace in France

In France, the principle of laicity is a pillar of society, and it is unusual to display one's spirituality and religiosity in the workplace. However, since the early 2010s, the succession of cases leading to court decisions ...

Chimpanzees have policemen, too: study

Conflict management is crucial for social group cohesion, and while humans may still be working out some of the details, new research shows that some chimpanzees engage in impartial, third-party "policing" activity as well.

Hedge fund share restrictions favor managers over investors

Armed with insider knowledge, managers of share-restricted hedge funds sell off their own holdings ahead of their investors in order to avoid low returns produced by an outflow of shareholder dollars, according to a new study ...

Study: When a violent marriage ends, is co-parenting possible?

When a marriage that has included violence ends, is co-parenting possible? It depends on whether intimate terrorism or situational violence was involved, says a new University of Illinois study published in Family Relations.

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