Restoring peace in family systems in communities of color

As a therapist of 13 years with a private practice serving primarily people of color, I became aware of a third, unspoken, pandemic that swept across our community during the COVID-19 lockdown; the conflict pandemic among ...

Conflict and environment: Building sustainable democracies

In the face of ongoing conflict and environmental degradation, how might a nation, such as Nigeria, build a democracy that might be sustained? That is the question addressed by work published in the International Journal ...

How to save trees: It's all about conflict resolution

The Madre de Dios rainforest in southeastern Peru is one of the biodiversity capitals of the world, with more species of plants and animals than almost anywhere else on the planet. This giant patch of Amazon rainforest is ...

Colombia tropical forest fires spike after 2016 Peace Accords

Fires that contribute to deforestation spiked six-fold in Colombia in the year after an historic 2016 peace agreement ended decades of conflict between FARC guerrilla and government forces, according to a study in Nature ...

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