Ex-Verizon worker accused of selling customer phone records

A former Verizon Wireless technician is accused of using the company's computers to obtain customers' private call records—plus data showing where customers' phones were—and then selling them to an unnamed private investigator, ...

Democratic Party's computers breached by Russian hackers

Sophisticated hackers linked to Russian intelligence services broke into the Democratic National Committee's computer networks and gained access to confidential emails, chats and opposition research on presumptive Republican ...

Still no 'justice for all' for female athletes

Spanish hurdler María José Martínez-Patiño, who in the 1980s endured harsh global media attention when she was subjected to unscientific gender tests, is co-author of a study that takes stock of current sexual verification ...

Hacker linked to Anonymous gets 10-year sentence

A computer programmer linked to the online hacktivist group Anonymous who pleaded guilty to hacking the intelligence firm Stratfor was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison, prosecutors said.

Cerberus interested in BlackBerry

Private equity firm Cerberus is interested in taking a look at BlackBerry's books as a prelude to a possible bid for the troubled smartphone company.

Accused hacker pleads guilty to US charges (Update)

A member of a loosely organized group of hackers accused of breaching computer networks of the FBI and a global intelligence firm pleaded guilty Tuesday to conspiracy charges, officials said.

Office of the Courts was hacked

The Washington state Administrative Office of the Courts has been hacked, and up to 160,000 Social Security numbers and 1 million driver's license numbers may have been accessed during the data breach of its public website.

'Hackers' on trial in Turkey for first time

A group of Internet hackers appeared in an Ankara court on Monday on charges of terrorism, the first time alleged cyber criminals have been put on trial in Turkey, local media reported.

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