Progress made in developing systems for disaster mitigation

When disaster strikes, an effective response system will tell emergency workers where to go, and enable them to get there unimpeded. Residents will receive information they need in order to protect themselves. Moreover, if ...

Jellyfish help scientists to fight food fraud

Animals feeding at sea inherit a chemical record reflecting the area where they fed, which can help track their movements, according to a new study by scientists from the University of Southampton. 

New web tool fights antibacterial resistance

In 1943, two scientists named Max Delbrück and Salvador Luria conducted an experiment to show that bacteria can mutate randomly, independent of external stimulus, such as an antibiotic that threatens a bacterial cells' survival. ...

Florida's consumer confidence rises as economic fears ease

( -- Belief that a national economic recovery is under way boosted Florida’s consumer confidence three points to 74 in September, according to a new University of Florida survey.

Tone as important as truth to counter vaccine fake news

Lack of trust in health authorities, combined with the fear and uncertainty about the disease, created fertile ground for false rumors to spread about COVID-19 vaccines. Countering the rumors may be about attitude as well ...

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