Firefighters are no macho men

The firefighting profession has a strong trademark characterised by heroes and masculinity. This image is commonly reinforced not only in media but also for example in the firemen calendars produced by the firefighters themselves. ...

Sony Ericsson's Canada site hacked: company

Hackers have attacked Sony Ericsson's Canadian eShop website, affecting 2,000 users, the latest online strike against the Japanese electronics and entertainment giant, a Sony spokesman said Wednesday.

Va-based food distributor using DNA to track beef

First came organic, then free-range, then local. Now discerning diners with a penchant for spending a premium to know where food comes from are pushing DNA-traceable meat onto restaurant menus.

Sony battles to regain trust after data breach

Japanese entertainment and technology giant Sony faces a battle to regain the trust of millions of consumers after online networks integral to its strategy were hacked, say analysts.

Floridians' consumer confidence falls for third straight month

Consumer confidence among Floridians dropped for a third consecutive month — falling to 68 in April — as the economy struggles because of domestic budget woes, soaring gas prices and international unrest, according ...

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