There is more to bats' vision than meets the eye

The eyes of nocturnal bats possess two spectral cone photoreceptor types for daylight and colour vision. Reporting in the open-access, peer-reviewed journal PLoS ONE, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research ...

Study provides new insights into lipid droplet dynamics

In a study published in Developmental Cell, researchers led by Prof. Huang Xun from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences demonstrated the role of lipid droplet-localized CETN-SPDL1-L ...

New venom discovery from deadly cone snails

University of Queensland researchers have reared deadly cone snails in a laboratory aquarium for the first time, uncovering a potential treasure trove of new venoms for drug development. The findings are published in the ...

Genes responsible for red coloration in birds found

An international team of researchers has found the genes responsible for converting yellow carotenoids in birds to red ketocarotenoids. In their paper published in the journal Cell Biology, the group describes the steps they ...

How we see better by 'looking away'

When we fixate an object, its image does not appear at the place where photoreceptors are packed most densely. Instead, its position is shifted slightly nasally and upwards from the cellular peak. This is shown in a recent ...

Researchers set new resolution record for imaging the human eye

Researchers have developed a noninvasive technique that can capture images of rod and cone photoreceptors with unprecedented detail. The advance could lead to new treatments and earlier detection for retinal diseases such ...

New insights into vitamin A recycling and daytime vision

Many people remember been told as kids when they refused to eat their vegetables that "carrots are good for your eyes." Although parents may not have fully understood it at the time, there is some truth to this. Carrots are ...

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