Repetition key to self-healing, flexible medical devices

Medical devices powered by synthetic proteins created from repeated sequences of proteins may be possible, according to materials science and biotechnology experts, who looked at material inspired by the proteins in squid ...

New method benchmarks organic mixed conductors

Within the past five years, Northwestern University's Jonathan Rivnay has noticed a surge in the development of new organic mixed conductors—polymer materials that can transport both electrons and ions. Lighter, more flexible, ...

Stretching the limits of elastic conductors

A newly developed printable elastic conductor retains high conductivity even when stretched to as much as five times its original length, says a Japanese team of scientists. The new material, produced in paste-like ink form, ...

Materials may lead to self-healing smartphones

Taking a cue from the Marvel Universe, researchers report that they have developed a self-healing polymeric material with an eye toward electronics and soft robotics that can repair themselves. The material is stretchable ...

Coulomb blockade in organic conductors found, a world first

Generally, organic conductors has disorder structures so charge transfers from one place with high conductivity to another place with high conductivity. In such occasions, Coulomb blockade of charge transport takes place. ...

To conduct, or to insulate? That is the question

A new study has discovered mysterious behaviour of a material that acts like an insulator in certain measurements, but simultaneously acts like a conductor in others. In an insulator, electrons are largely stuck in one place, ...

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