Catching graphene butterflies

Writing in Nature, a large international team led Dr Roman Gorbachev from The University of Manchester shows that, when graphene placed on top of insulating boron nitride, or 'white graphene', the electronic properties of ...

Biological wires carry electricity thanks to special amino acids

Slender bacterial nanowires require certain key amino acids in order to conduct electricity, according to a study to be published in mBio, the online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology, on Tuesday, ...

'Invisible' particles could enhance thermoelectric devices

Thermoelectric devices—which can either generate an electric current from a difference in temperature or use electricity to produce heating or cooling without moving parts—have been explored in the laboratory since the ...

Third research team close to creating Majorana fermion

( -- Recently there has been a virtual explosion of research efforts aimed at creating the elusive Majorana fermion with different groups claiming to be near to creating them. First there was news that a team ...

A traffic jam of quantum particles

( -- German scientists discover surprising transport phenomena in ultracold quantum many body systems.

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