Spectral classification of excitons

Ultrathin layers of tungsten diselenide have potential applications in opto-electronics and quantum technologies. LMU researchers have now explored how this material interacts with light in the presence of strong magnetic ...

Scientists demonstrate tunable, atomically thin semiconductors

To tune the band gap, a key parameter in controlling the electrical conductivity and optical properties of semiconductors, researchers typically engineer alloys, a process in which two or more materials are combined to achieve ...

Unexpectedly fast conduction electrons in Na3Bi

An Australian-led study uses a scanning-tunneling microscope "trick" to map electronic structure in Na3Bi, seeking an answer to that material's extremely high electron mobility.

How is a metal formed?

What does it mean to be a metal? How is a metal formed? These seem like textbook questions with a simple answer: Metal is characterized by free electrons that give rise to high electric conductivity. But how, exactly, is ...

A theoretical boost to nano-scale devices

Semiconductor companies are struggling to develop devices that are mere nanometers in size, and much of the challenge lies in being able to more accurately describe the underlying physics at that nano-scale. But a new computational ...

Researchers present revolutionary light-emitting silicon

Emitting light from silicon has been the Holy Grail in the microelectronics industry for decades. Solving this puzzle would revolutionize computing, as chips will become faster than ever. Researchers from Eindhoven University ...

A milestone in petahertz electronics

In a semiconductor, electrons can be excited by absorbing laser light. Advances in the past decade have enabled measuring this fundamental physical mechanism on timescales below a femtosecond (10-15 s). Now, physicists at ...

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