A narrower spectrum for a wider view of matter

Condensed matter physicists, who study the physics of solids and liquids, often use a technique called "inelastic scattering," in which they bounce photons or neutrons of selected energy off a material and measure the energy ...

Highway for ultracold atoms in light crystals

When a superconductor is exposed to a magnetic field, a current on its surface appears which creates a counter field that cancels the magnetic field inside the superconductor. This phenomenon, known as "Meissner-Ochsenfeld ...

From pencil marks to quantum computers

Pick up a pencil. Make a mark on a piece of paper. Congratulations: you are doing cutting-edge condensed matter physics. You might even be making the first mark on the road to quantum computers, according to new Perimeter ...

Research uncovering the mysteries of the Red Planet

Standing on the red, impact-scarred surface of Mars was the childhood dream of many grown-up scientists, but few have experienced a space adventure quite like Ross Lockwood.

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