Recipe for success: Recycled glass and cement

( -- Michigan State University researchers have found that by mixing ground waste glass into the cement that is used to make concrete, the concrete is stronger, more durable and more resistant to water.

Diamonds and dust for better cement

( -- It's no surprise that humans the world over use more water, by volume, than any other material. But in second place, at over 17 billion tons consumed each year, comes concrete made with Portland cement. Portland ...

Improved buildings could make a big dent in climate change

The construction and operation of buildings accounts for approximately 40 percent of all U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases. The most-used building material in the world, concrete, is used to construct many of the nation’s ...

Thomas Edison also invented the concrete house, researcher says

Afficionados of modern poured-concrete design were in for a rude awakening last month when they heard NJIT Assistant Professor Matt Burgermaster's presentation at the 64th annual meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians. ...

Greener cement offers concrete environmental benefits

From the Roman aqueducts to the Empire State Building, concrete is the most common manmade building material on the planet. It’s also one of the largest sources of industrial emissions: the red-hot kilns used to make ...

How Solid Is Concrete's Carbon Footprint?

( -- Many scientists currently think at least 5 percent of humanity's carbon footprint comes from the concrete industry, both from energy use and the carbon dioxide (CO2) byproduct from the production of cement, ...

New design means cheaper, more sustainable construction

People are always looking for ways to make something less expensive and more environmentally friendly - and a team of researchers from North Carolina State University has figured out how to do both of those things at once ...

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