Sharing on social media makes us overconfident in our knowledge

Sharing news articles with friends and followers on social media can prompt people to think they know more about the articles' topics than they actually do, according to a new study from researchers at The University of Texas ...

Unstable molecule clicks with synthetic strategy

The elements on the periodic table of elements are listed in ways that emphasize certain relationships. There are families, periods (the horizonal rows) and groups (the vertical columns). The elements within each of these ...

Restoring peace in family systems in communities of color

As a therapist of 13 years with a private practice serving primarily people of color, I became aware of a third, unspoken, pandemic that swept across our community during the COVID-19 lockdown; the conflict pandemic among ...

4 unexpected places where adults can learn science

Modern society benefits when people understand science concepts. This knowledge helps explain how cryptocurrency works, why climate change is happening or how the coronavirus is transmitted from person to person.

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