Five things to see at the Tokyo Motor Show

From a car that wants to be your friend to another that burns off the fat: here are five hot vehicles on display at the Tokyo Motor Show.

Empowering robots for ethical behavior

Scientists at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK have developed a concept called Empowerment to help robots to protect and serve humans, while keeping themselves safe.

Auto show concepts: Would you build them or forget them?

Car companies don't just show current models at auto shows. They also unveil prototypes that could be built in the future. These so-called concept cars help them gauge the public's reaction to new designs or technology. They ...

Chrysler's new tech-rich concept car aims young

Fiat-Chrysler on Tuesday unveiled a concept car designed for Millennials: an electric-powered minivan with modular components that can be adapted for autonomous driving.

E-car sharing comes of age

Giving up your own car and sharing one with other people instead – car sharing is the hot trend of the moment. But if it's going to succeed with electric vehicles, charging times need to be shorter and booking processes ...

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