Security experts warn of risky attacks on tech-loaded cars

( -- Now that tiny computers and electronic communications systems are being designed into cars, hackers can look toward the car, like the PC, as potential roadkill. If cars are to become computers on wheels, a number ...

Iran media report new cyberattack by Stuxnet worm

(AP)—An Iranian semi-official news agency says there has been another cyberattack by the sophisticated computer worm Stuxnet, this time on the industries in the country's south.

Downadup Worm Hits Over 3.5 Million Computers

( -- Security firm F-Secure has advised that the Downadup worm has spread to more than 3.5 million computers by exploiting a vulnerability Microsoft patched last October. This is achieved by trying to connect ...

Help! How to avoid fast-moving computer worm

Since early January, a worm that has been referred to by several names, including "Downadup," "Kido" and "Conficker," has been infecting millions of computers around the world. The worm exploits a previously discovered vulnerability ...

Iran: Computer worm could have caused huge damage

A senior Iranian military official involved in investigating a mysterious computer worm targeting Iranian nuclear facilities and other industrial sites said Saturday the malware could have caused large-scale accidents and ...

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