Genius of Einstein, Fourier key to new humanlike computer vision

( -- Two new techniques for computer-vision technology mimic how humans perceive three-dimensional shapes by instantly recognizing objects no matter how they are twisted or bent, an advance that could help machines ...

New surveillance camera system provides text feed

( -- Scientists at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) have developed a prototype surveillance camera and computer system to analyze the camera images and deliver a text feed describing what the ...

Seeing things: Researchers teach computers to recognize objects

( -- If computers could recognize objects, they could automatically search through hours of video footage for a particular two-minute scene. A tourist strolling down a street in a strange city could take a cell-phone ...

What neuroscience can learn from computer science

What do computers and brains have in common? Computers are made to solve the same problems that brains solve. Computers, however, rely on a drastically different hardware, which makes them good at different kinds of problem ...

The intersection of vision and language

Nine thousand two hundred artificial intelligence researchers. Five thousand one hundred sixty-five research papers submitted, of which only 1,300 were accepted. One Best Student Paper.

AR glasses are proposed to restore depth perception

(—People with impaired depth perception might see better with augmented reality glasses according to a research initiative under way at the University of Yamanashi in Japan. The team involved are working with off ...

Your right size without measuring for online shopping

A group of PHD students from the Computer Vision Centre (Universitat Autònoma de Bacelona) have developed an app called Verisize with which you can know your right size for any brand and garment when buying online. This ...

Images that fool computer vision raise security concerns

Computers are learning to recognize objects with near-human ability. But Cornell researchers have found that computers, like humans, can be fooled by optical illusions, which raises security concerns and opens new avenues ...

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